Tuesday 24 January 2012

Davina Veronica

Indonesian Actress

Birth name                  Davina Veronica Hariadi
Birth date                   October 20 1978
Birth place                  Jakarta , Indonesia
Height                        173 cm
Occupation                 Actress Model

Davina Veronica is a woman who has a profession as an actor and model women woman Indonesia .
The eldest of 2 brothers from Guntur Hariadi pair (father) and Patricia Gontha (mother) used to be a magazine cover model finalists Anita Cemerlang 1995 , and the third winner and favorite Cover Girl Mode magazine in 1996 . Davina is also a fan of cooking Italian and Indonesia was once studied at the Faculty of Communication majoring in Public Relations, UPH .
Women bleed Java - Manado this had starred in several advertisements and video clips of models of Humania , Ahmad Band , Dewa 19 , Hedi Yunus warm up band from the city of Sheila on 7 .

OBH Combi Plus
Celebrity Fitness
Motor DAST

Perjalanan Dewa (Journey of Dewa)
Kapan Kita Pacaran Lagi  (When We are dating again)
Sang Pialang  (The Broker)
Cerita Tiga Potong Hati (Three Heart Cut Story)
Lovely Luna  (Lovely Luna) (2004)
Pesan Dari Surga  (Message from Heaven) (2006)
Badai Pasti Berlalu (Hurricane) (2007)
Namaku Dick (My name is Dick) (2008)
Punk In Love (Punk in Love) (2009)
Ruma Maida (Maida's House) (2009)

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